
Tuesday, 3 December 2013

This or That Beauty Tag

Heyy guys,
So I know a lot of my recent posts have been tags(which I've not been tagged for) but they're quite fun and I have found a lot recently. This is the 'This or That Beauty tag'

1. Liquid or powder highlighter? I don't have any highlighter but if I did probably liquid.
2. Cream or powder blush/eye shadow? - Powder for both probably but cream eye shadow base.
3. Primer or no primer? - Try to always wear primer but I am running out of my no7
4. Lipstick, lip gloss or lip stain? - lipstick definitely
5. Eyeliner or no eyeliner? - eyeliner
6. Neutral, smokey or colourful? - neutral
7. Bold or basic lips? - It depends what I wear and what I want but nearly always basic.
8. Pale or tanned/bronzed? - pale
9. Full face, one item or no make up? - no makeup or one item
10. Palettes or individual products? I don't really own any palettes so probably individual products. 

I am going to tag anyone who wants to do this:) It would be lovely if you could leave your link in the comments so I can check it out:)
Thank you for reading, it would be lovely if you followed and I will check out your blog. 

Do you prefer cream or powder products?

Amber xxx
p.s. I am going to post everyday til 25th (hopefully) so I suppose you could call that blogmas?;) But yeah that is why I am posting everyday if you were wondering.

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